ITTC Resources
ITTC Resources
Welcome to the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC).
Wireless Access
The Sunflower unsecure wireless network is available throughout the building. A secure (WEP) wireless network is available, if you need privileged access to ITTC resources. For Windows users, you can access the secure wireless by downloading and running the following executable: (ITTC-WEP.exe). For Linux users, please e-mail ( for access. For OSX users, use the following settings:
Network Name: ITTC-wpa2
Wireless Security: WPA2 Enterprise
User Name: <your username>
Password: <your password>
802.1X Configuration: TTLS - PAP
Remote Access
Two methods are available for accessing the ITTC network from external machines. Neither is enabled by default; both are available only upon request .
ITTC maintains an SSH gateway,, which allows indirect access to machines in Raymond Nichols Hall. To access Linux machines, one first logs into the ssh server, then connects to the intended Linux machine from there. For more information, see .
Forwarding Ports
The above link automatically generates configuration files for Windows clients; for Linux clients, ports can be forwarded easily from the ssh command line using the following syntax:
- ssh -p62 -Y <username> -L <localport>:<ittchost>:<remoteport>
to forward arbitrary ports ("remoteport") on machines in Nichols Hall ("ittchost") so they appear temporarily to be ports ("localport") on your personal machine.
A VPN connection works as though the remote machine was fully a part of the ITTC network. Since this carries additional risks, VPN access is now available *ONLY* with administrative approval. More information is available at .
Reserving Machines
You can check out systems at
Using the KVM
Presently, this procedure is intended for Microsoft Internet Explorer on (email if you need a login account for win), and only for testbeds 100-116:
- Visit http://raritan in a web browser.
- You will get a warning about the site's security certificate. Click Yes to accept the certificate and proceed.
- A popup window will ask you for a username and password. Enter "testbeds" as your username, and "ittc2006" as your password, and click "Login".
- Upon successful login, the resulting window will show a list of available testbeds in the left pane. Double-click the name of one of these testbeds to connect.
- You should see the video output for the selected testbed, and keyboard and mouse activity will be forwarded through the web interface to the remote machine.
- If you lose the display at any time, "Auto-sense Video Settings" under the "Video" menu can often successfully re-detect the display parameters.
- When finished with the display, simply close the window(s) for the remote display, and select "Logout" from the "Session" menu at the list of testbeds. The system will log you out if your session is idle for a while.
Please forward any questions to
RCS stands for Revision Control System. ITTC currently uses two, cvs and subversion.
CVS stands for Concurrent Versioning System. The purpose of CVS is both to store the history of the changes that are made to source files and to keep all the source files relating to the same project in one easy-to-reach location. This is extremely useful in situations where multiple people are working on the same project and a number of modifications are made to the same file by different people.
All CVS repositories are located in "/projects/cvs". A symlink exists for all pre-existing repositories from their original location to "/projects/cvs/[repo-name]". All group and user persmissions on the cvs repositories is set to "cvsd:cvsd". Local access to the files in the cvs repositories will not be available. If users need to access files in the repository, they will have to access them through the pserver connection.
- A CVS Quickstart Guide has been create to help introduce users to cvs.
Subversion is a free/open-source version control system. That is, Subversion manages files and directories over time. A tree of files is placed into a central repository. The repository is much like an ordinary file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files and directories. This allows you to recover older versions of your data, or examine the history of how your data changed.
A subversion server resides on the primary public ITTC webserver. In order to access the subversion repositories, you need to have a ITTC user account. In addition, you need to be added to the svn-writer group. Email to request addition to this group.
- You can browse through the subversion repository of your choice by going to<repo name>.
- A SVN Quickstart Guide has been create to help introduce users to subversion.
ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific versions of files as well as diffs between those versions.
- You can find viewvc at