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Building [http://jikesrvm.org/| Jikes RVM] has been quite a headache to date.  The instructions provided here are by no means a comprehensive guide to building Jikes, but rather a minimal starting point to establish a common basis for development and related correspondence.  This guide is woefully incomplete for the time being, and will be updated over the course of a carefully arranged test build resulting in a fully configured build server.
Deprecated. Prasad Kulkarni has a method for building Jikes on CSDL machines.
At the moment, successful builds have only been documented under very specific conditions grouped here by the following categories:
*Build Platform
*Required Packages
*Shell Configuration
*System Configuration
===Build Platform===
At the time of this writing the RVM has only been successfully built under ITTC's standard install of Fedora 8 on the IA32 platform.  Others should be possible, but have not been tested.
===Required Packages===
In addition to the base packages, the following have been necessary:
===Shell Configuration===
Environment variables are absolutely critical to a successful build.  The following example entered directly in a (bash) login shell should produce a successful build, though other configurations will also work:
export JAVA_HOME=/tools/java/i686/jdk1.5.0_14/
export BIN=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
ant -Dhost.name=ia32-linux -Dconfig.name=production
Please note that it is entirely safe (recommended, even) to repeat the entire sequence for every build when in doubt.
===System Configuration===
Perhaps the worst part of the default Jikes automated build script is that it appears to have outdated file mirrors hard-coded into the dependency fetching routines.  This must be remedied by editing the appropriate .xml files in the build tree.

Latest revision as of 16:33, 22 April 2008

Deprecated. Prasad Kulkarni has a method for building Jikes on CSDL machines.