Quickstart Guide: Difference between revisions

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== Retrieving Software from the SVN Server ==

To retrieve, or check out, the software, use one of the following commands:
svn co https://subversion.ittc.ku.edu/<repo name>/pathtofiles
== Adding, Moving, and Removing Files ==
To add a file, run the following command:
svn add filename ENTER
To move a file, run the following command:
svn move filename newfilename ENTER
To remove a file, run the following command:
svn remove filename ENTER
== Checking Your Changes In ==
To commit your changes to the server for everyone to see, run the following command:
svn commit ENTER
== Updating the Software ==
To update your local copy of the source code, run the following command:
svn update ENTER
== Creating Patch Files ==
To prepare a patch file for submission to the FLTK team, run the following command:
svn diff >filename.patch ENTER

Latest revision as of 09:53, 22 September 2006